L’âge de la majorité spirituelle abaissé à 15 ans

C'est la fin d'une tradition vieille de 70 ans : Patel et la médium autorisent la méditation dès l'âge de 15 ans…

Special Bulletin Abhyasis N°2015-101 (Wednesday August 26, 2015) 

(…) We are also delighted to share some wonderful news that has the permission and approval of beloved Babuji Maharaj: 

"Permission (to start meditation) is granted to introduce children of age 16 years and above. The age of 18 is no longer mandatory.”

Introductory sittings for those who wish to start meditation, who have completed 15 years of age (thus in their 16th year or above), can be given by any preceptor. Hence, all children who have completed 15 years and above are now permitted to attend the celebrations and take their introductory sittings by participating in the sittings conducted by Kamlesh bhai. (…) 
We are grateful that the Hierarchy has bestowed this great spiritual gift on all humanity.

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