Les descendants de Babuji déboutés ?

Selon Kamlesh Patel, la Haute cour de justice d'Allahabad aurait débouté les petits-enfants de Babuji  le 10 juillet 2015 dans le combat judiciaire qui les opposaient à la SRCM de Chari (et Patel) depuis 1983. 
Une bien bonne nouvelle pour la SRCM qui fête en ce moment l'anniversaire de Chari...
Mais des propos à prendre avec précaution puisque nulle part je n'ai trouvé confirmation de cette décision de justice.
Dans tous les cas, il me semble que le fait que les enfants d'un gourou spirituel et son dauphin gourou s'opposent en justice durant plus de 30 ans me semble révélateur des bienfaits que l'on peut attendre de leurs méthodes et mouvement. 
Cela devrait inciter à la réflexion et à la prudence.

Bulletin No: 2015.76 – Saturday July 11, 2015
11th July 2015, Saturday – Manapakkam
Respected elders,
Dear sisters and brothers,
Some of you may be familiar with the court cases our beloved Master had to face after the Mahasamadhi of Pujya Babuji Maharaj. Master’s nomination as Pujya Babuji’s successor was challenged by one of the sons of Pujya Babuji Maharaj. He initiated many accusatory court cases against the succession, and in the process, after a few years he himself declared the presidency, self-assigned, as if it was his father’s decision to keep the succession within the family. So, the cases went on multiplying even after the death of the fraudulent claimant to the presidency. Later, after the demise of the claimant, his son declared the presidency of Shri Ram Chandra Mission. Over the period between 1983 and 2014, they built up so many cases against beloved Master.
As the Highest Providence would have it, the Hon’ble High Court of Judicature at Allahabad heard all the important and crucial cases (Writ Petitions 11 nos.) filed by them, and dismissed all of them In favour of our beloved Master vide judgment pronounced in open court on 10th July 2015, giving judicial verdict against all fraudulent pleas / claims being raised by them. I will be happy to share with you the details of the case once the documents are available on Monday, 13th July 2015.
Thank you all for your support and continued prayers.
With Prayers to Beloved Master for His love and continued blessings.


Extrait Bulletin No: 2015.83 – Tuesday July 21, 2015
(...) The pleadings of both the sides were heard at length by the Hon’ble Justice Sudhir Agarwal of High Court, Allahabad, who adjudicated finally in favour of Shri Ram Chandra Mission and our beloved Master vide the judgement pronounced in open court on 10.07.2015. I feel happy to share with you some of the important details of the judgement.

Judgement : page no 69 (para nos 131 to 135).
131. Since the entire edifice to maintain all these writ petitions is founded on the issue that the Mission/Society can be managed only by an Office Bearer, who has been elected by casting of votes and not otherwise, which has not found favour with this Court, I find that no ground stands substantiated to grant any relief, whatsoever, to the petitioners in all these writ petitions.
132. Having failed to find out any illegality in the orders passed by the Registrar/Assistant Registrar, I do not find any reason to interfere with the same.
133. Sri Ajit Kumar, learned counsel for the respondents has vehemently contended that filing of one after another writ petitions is a gross abuse of the process of law. There is a lot of concealment, omissions as well as misstatements in the writ petitions, showing that the petitioners have not come with clean hands etc. Though various authorities have been cited on these issues, but since I have chosen to decide the issues on merits, I do not find it necessary to look into those aspects of the matter.
134. All the writ petitions, in view of above, lack merits.
135. Dismissed.

Order Date: 10.07.2015

Retrouvez ici le  jugement dans son intégralité

Chari reconnu président après son décès, il aura fallu attendre 32 ans pour que cette affaire soit close, si tant est qu'elle le soit définitivement...
Finalement, peu importe le résultat. Un dauphin controversé de Babuji (Chari) et les enfants de Babuji (puis ses petits-enfants) se sont entre-déchirés pendant 32 ans pour la détention d'une organisation dite spirituelle.
Mais où est donc la spiritualité là-dedans ???
Qu'ont-ils de mieux à offrir que le monde dans lequel on vit ?
Ils sont à son image, ni plus ni moins...

Beaucoup plus d'actualité que ce serpent de mer judiciaire, n'hésitez pas à vous interroger sur la dernière offensive prosélyte de la SRCM : HeartFulness Meditation

Succession - [SUCCESSION] - [Nomination de Chari] – [Nomination d’Umesh] – [Procès-verbaux de la SRCM en 1984] – [Circulaire de nomination du président] – [La SRCM et l’ashram de Shahjahanpur] – [Témoignage de Navneet Kumar Saxena] – [Le secrétaire de la SRCM US] – [Témoignage de Michael] – [Extrait du website de la SRCM de Shahjahanpur] – [Attaques de l’ashram de Shahjahanpur] - [Les descendants de Babuji déboutés ?]

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