Un autre petit-fils de Babuji se jette dans l’aventure

Une Société pour la mission de Babuji
Sharad Chandra, fils de prakash Chandra Saxena et petit-fils de Babuji (ex candidat à la succession de Babuji en 1983-84) a créé un website le 23 mars 2011 pour promouvoir le Sahaj marg au travers de la "Society for Babuji’s Mission", avec un comparse nommé Shubh Chintak Kishore (www.societyforbabujismission.org.in)
Ils disent entre autres : “ (…) the Organisation grew very fast and became very big and ultimately departed from its object of concentrating on the spiritual mission, as it is involved more in organizational matters.” Mais ils ajoutent : “We, therefore, decided to register the Society to promote His mission "Sahaj Marg" independently, avoiding any legal hassle. Our mind set is to finally merge this Society into the SRCM, once it confines itself to the maintenance and promoting the spiritual awareness, the original mission of Rev. Babuji Maharaj.”

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