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Le Sahaj Marg dénaturé (4)
En décembre 2009, dans l’enceinte de l’ashram de Manapakkam, Catherine Lauret annonçait à Poonam Thaper qu’elle ouvrirait le nouveau chemin (new way) du Sahaj Marg et qu’elle en serait le prochain représentant spirituel. Mais elle lui annonçait aussi l’imminence – en 2010 – d’une guerre nucléaire entre la Chine et l’Europe, au cours de laquelle le Royaume-Uni devait être totalement détruit.
Whispers contient aussi son lot de prédictions, on en a déjà parlé. Mais voilà aussi ce qu’écrivait Babuji, dans son livre « Reality at dawn », au chapitre « My vision » au début des années 50.
Extrait :
“The world these days is passing through a critical stage. The political situation is growing extremely intricate day by day. The economic condition has become very depressing. Moral, religious and social degradation has almost reached its final limit. An atmosphere of rivalry, unrest and insecurity prevails everywhere. Every nation looks with jealous eyes upon her neighbour and utilizes all her resources in finding out means of exploiting it.
(…) The sign of progress they take to be the gradual drifting of the country towards the western type of civilization which is based on pure materialism. But now the age of materialism must come to an end. The old order must change yielding place to new. The present structure of world civilization based upon electricity and atomic energy shall not remain in existence for long. It is destined to fall soon.
(…) I present before the readers a glimpse of the world that is to be, as I see it in my vision. Believe it or not, but that is my reading of Nature in the clairvoyant state. Signs are evident that the destruction of the undesirable elements in the world has already commenced.(…) The time is now ripe for its final phase and the world is rushing towards it with headlong speed. The action may come into full resent century but some of the events enumerated below may take a longer time to come into effect.
The heat of the sun has been gradually diminishing for some time past (…). The present decrease in the sun's heat is meant only to expedite nature's process of change and the personality deputed for that work is utilizing it for the purpose. It is an unfailing sign of the imminent upheaval in the entire structure of the world and after it the sun will again resume its full glow. The same sign will appear again at the time of Mahapralaya (complete dissolution) but as it is a far-off thing, I do not like to dwell upon it here. One thing I may disclose in this connection for the interest of the readers. At the time of Mahapralaya the pole star will deviate a few degrees from its position and will grow a bit hotter. A powerful energy in the form of a gas will begin to gush out from it and will ultimately destroy the world and everything else in existence. The action of destruction will start from the North Pole.
In consequence of the present upheaval, drastic changes will come into effect and the new structure of the world will be quite different from the one we see today. The fate of Great Britain will be sad. A part of it, i.e., its southern portion will sink into the sea. A volcanic energy in the latent state is at work in the heart of London and in course of time it will burst forth in the form of a volcanic eruption. The Gulf Stream will change its course and the country will become extremely cold. The fate of Europe too will be similar. Smaller countries will lose their existence. The future of Russia is in darkness. She can not survive. The very weapon of Russia will serve as a pistol on her own head. Communism shall have its grave in its own homeland. As for America she is in imminent danger of losing her wealth and in course of time she may almost be reduced to paupery. Her power and greatness too will sink along with it. India will regain her pristine glory and she will rise to prominence under her own government. Her suzerainty will extend far and wide and the world will look up to her for a beacon-light. (…) The new structure of the coming world will stand on bones and ashes. A type of civilization based on spiritualism will spring forth in India and it will, in due course, become the world civilization. No country or nation will survive without spirituality as its base, and every nation must sooner or later adopt the same course if it wants to maintain her very existence.”
En 1954, le monde traversait déjà une étape critique. La vision de Babuji était déjà que le Royaume-Uni finirait mal, tandis que l’Inde regagnerait sa gloire d’antan, le spiritualisme y triompherait pour dominer la civilisation mondiale. Mais pour cela il fallait déjà que le nombre d’abhyasis atteigne une masse critique…
Décidément, Babuji était déjà un curieux personnage. Son image de saint homme est largement surfaite, sa folie ésotérique n’est pas qu’un trait de l’esprit. On connaissait ses tendances paranoïaques, mais sa démence est absconse et délirante.
Voici trois extraits de courriers de Babuji à Sri N. Kumaraswamy en 1955 où il martèle qu’il a annoncé à l’avance le changement de direction du Gulf stream (diffusés dans les Newsletters de l’IUSCM en 2010). Visiblement, Babuji voulait qu’on lui fasse de la publicité, il tenait à ce que le monde entier découvre sa prophétie.
“(…) For your information, I may point out through human grief that my prediction given at page138 in “Reality at dawn” is coming true. The Gulf Stream is changing its course vide Sunday Pioneer Magazine Section daily of Lucknow dated the March, 1955.” (23-03-1955 - Ref: 2078 / SRCM)
“(…) Therefore, the thing written by me in the last chapter of “Reality at dawn” will follow soon. It is possible that you may hear soon about them. The causes are accumulating. I therefore conceive that the prediction will come to light.(…).” (15-04-1955 - Ref. 2119 / SRCM)
“ (…)“Pioneer” a prominent daily of Lucknow DT. 6-3-1955 says in his magazine section that Gulfstream is changing its course and the scientists are greatly perplexed. I remind you of my prophecy given in “Reality at Dawn” about England. If you attend to send in papers of South India, including “Hindu” of Madras about my foretelling then I will be highly obliged.” (17-10- 1955, Letter No.2073)
Et voilà maintenant ce qu’on trouve aujourd’hui dans les whispers de sa médium :
« LE NUCLEAIRE perdra le monde. Cette force mal maîtrisée est démoniaque. L’homme sera un jour dépassé par sa puissance. Elle sera à l’origine des bouleversements qui transformeront le monde. Elle a des implications beaucoup plus vastes que vous ne pouvez l’imaginer et qui contribuent à déstabiliser l’équilibre de cette planète. (…) Ces prophéties ne vous concernent pas. Vous subissez les méfaits de ces pollutions insidieuses qui conduiront le monde à sa perte, mais vous ne pouvez ni arrêter le temps, ni modifier le système en place. Alors protégez-vous au mieux de ces nuisances et priez pour vos frères du futur. » – Babuji Whisper – du 29/12/2000 à 8h00
Le Royaume-Uni et le nucléaire sont au cœur des différentes prédictions des uns et des autres. Pauvre Angleterre !
L’apocalypse nucléaire est annoncée, mais il n’y a rien à faire, elle est inéluctable. A quoi bon l’annoncer alors ? Si ce n’est pour faire peur…
Alors rien n’a changé ? La médium réinterprète-t-elle la vision de Babuji en la réactualisant après que Chari s’en soit écarté ?
Pour conclure, quelques extraits d’un des tout derniers discours de Chari (Scatter the Seeds of Spirituality, le 9 Mars 2011) :
“(…) I believe we have more than 220 ashrams throughout the world today. But yet it is only a drop in the ocean of humanity. (…) If that seed is lost, humanity is lost. Humanity has no hope after that.
(…) So to prepare these human values, (…) each one of you is a torchbearer. If you don’t do that, if you don’t recognise that responsibility and carry it out, whatever you may become in yourself, you are a failure as far as Sahaj Marg is concerned. (…) today humanity’s task – every one of us must share in it. And we must not count; we want quality, not numbers. But we want increasing quality in increasing numbers. (…)
I pray that our great Masters will bless us all on this auspicious occasion and make the people aware of these possibilities, bring them in greater and greater numbers so that this spirituality becomes something not exclusive to the few but common to the many, which is what should be the meaning of democracy. Democracy is not a vote. Democracy is a state where every individual has the same right to progress, and that right is guaranteed only in the spiritual field because it cannot be guaranteed in any other field.
I am happy to see our jawans [soldiers] and their officers here; I welcome them. I am happy that our efforts have reached them too, and I hope I will see battalions of them in the future. May they progress well. May they all grow. God bless all of you.”
L’humanité n’a plus d’espoir, elle est perdue sans le Sahaj Marg. En dehors de la spiritualité, point de salut, pas de démocratie. Les soldats du Sahaj Marg doivent former des bataillons, accroître la qualité en augmentant la quantité !
Chari s’est bien rangé aux ordres de Whispers, il n’y a plus aucun doute…
En décembre 2009, dans l’enceinte de l’ashram de Manapakkam, Catherine Lauret annonçait à Poonam Thaper qu’elle ouvrirait le nouveau chemin (new way) du Sahaj Marg et qu’elle en serait le prochain représentant spirituel. Mais elle lui annonçait aussi l’imminence – en 2010 – d’une guerre nucléaire entre la Chine et l’Europe, au cours de laquelle le Royaume-Uni devait être totalement détruit.
Whispers contient aussi son lot de prédictions, on en a déjà parlé. Mais voilà aussi ce qu’écrivait Babuji, dans son livre « Reality at dawn », au chapitre « My vision » au début des années 50.
Extrait :
“The world these days is passing through a critical stage. The political situation is growing extremely intricate day by day. The economic condition has become very depressing. Moral, religious and social degradation has almost reached its final limit. An atmosphere of rivalry, unrest and insecurity prevails everywhere. Every nation looks with jealous eyes upon her neighbour and utilizes all her resources in finding out means of exploiting it.
(…) The sign of progress they take to be the gradual drifting of the country towards the western type of civilization which is based on pure materialism. But now the age of materialism must come to an end. The old order must change yielding place to new. The present structure of world civilization based upon electricity and atomic energy shall not remain in existence for long. It is destined to fall soon.
(…) I present before the readers a glimpse of the world that is to be, as I see it in my vision. Believe it or not, but that is my reading of Nature in the clairvoyant state. Signs are evident that the destruction of the undesirable elements in the world has already commenced.(…) The time is now ripe for its final phase and the world is rushing towards it with headlong speed. The action may come into full resent century but some of the events enumerated below may take a longer time to come into effect.
The heat of the sun has been gradually diminishing for some time past (…). The present decrease in the sun's heat is meant only to expedite nature's process of change and the personality deputed for that work is utilizing it for the purpose. It is an unfailing sign of the imminent upheaval in the entire structure of the world and after it the sun will again resume its full glow. The same sign will appear again at the time of Mahapralaya (complete dissolution) but as it is a far-off thing, I do not like to dwell upon it here. One thing I may disclose in this connection for the interest of the readers. At the time of Mahapralaya the pole star will deviate a few degrees from its position and will grow a bit hotter. A powerful energy in the form of a gas will begin to gush out from it and will ultimately destroy the world and everything else in existence. The action of destruction will start from the North Pole.
In consequence of the present upheaval, drastic changes will come into effect and the new structure of the world will be quite different from the one we see today. The fate of Great Britain will be sad. A part of it, i.e., its southern portion will sink into the sea. A volcanic energy in the latent state is at work in the heart of London and in course of time it will burst forth in the form of a volcanic eruption. The Gulf Stream will change its course and the country will become extremely cold. The fate of Europe too will be similar. Smaller countries will lose their existence. The future of Russia is in darkness. She can not survive. The very weapon of Russia will serve as a pistol on her own head. Communism shall have its grave in its own homeland. As for America she is in imminent danger of losing her wealth and in course of time she may almost be reduced to paupery. Her power and greatness too will sink along with it. India will regain her pristine glory and she will rise to prominence under her own government. Her suzerainty will extend far and wide and the world will look up to her for a beacon-light. (…) The new structure of the coming world will stand on bones and ashes. A type of civilization based on spiritualism will spring forth in India and it will, in due course, become the world civilization. No country or nation will survive without spirituality as its base, and every nation must sooner or later adopt the same course if it wants to maintain her very existence.”
En 1954, le monde traversait déjà une étape critique. La vision de Babuji était déjà que le Royaume-Uni finirait mal, tandis que l’Inde regagnerait sa gloire d’antan, le spiritualisme y triompherait pour dominer la civilisation mondiale. Mais pour cela il fallait déjà que le nombre d’abhyasis atteigne une masse critique…
Décidément, Babuji était déjà un curieux personnage. Son image de saint homme est largement surfaite, sa folie ésotérique n’est pas qu’un trait de l’esprit. On connaissait ses tendances paranoïaques, mais sa démence est absconse et délirante.
Voici trois extraits de courriers de Babuji à Sri N. Kumaraswamy en 1955 où il martèle qu’il a annoncé à l’avance le changement de direction du Gulf stream (diffusés dans les Newsletters de l’IUSCM en 2010). Visiblement, Babuji voulait qu’on lui fasse de la publicité, il tenait à ce que le monde entier découvre sa prophétie.
“(…) For your information, I may point out through human grief that my prediction given at page138 in “Reality at dawn” is coming true. The Gulf Stream is changing its course vide Sunday Pioneer Magazine Section daily of Lucknow dated the March, 1955.” (23-03-1955 - Ref: 2078 / SRCM)
“(…) Therefore, the thing written by me in the last chapter of “Reality at dawn” will follow soon. It is possible that you may hear soon about them. The causes are accumulating. I therefore conceive that the prediction will come to light.(…).” (15-04-1955 - Ref. 2119 / SRCM)
“ (…)“Pioneer” a prominent daily of Lucknow DT. 6-3-1955 says in his magazine section that Gulfstream is changing its course and the scientists are greatly perplexed. I remind you of my prophecy given in “Reality at Dawn” about England. If you attend to send in papers of South India, including “Hindu” of Madras about my foretelling then I will be highly obliged.” (17-10- 1955, Letter No.2073)
Et voilà maintenant ce qu’on trouve aujourd’hui dans les whispers de sa médium :
« LE NUCLEAIRE perdra le monde. Cette force mal maîtrisée est démoniaque. L’homme sera un jour dépassé par sa puissance. Elle sera à l’origine des bouleversements qui transformeront le monde. Elle a des implications beaucoup plus vastes que vous ne pouvez l’imaginer et qui contribuent à déstabiliser l’équilibre de cette planète. (…) Ces prophéties ne vous concernent pas. Vous subissez les méfaits de ces pollutions insidieuses qui conduiront le monde à sa perte, mais vous ne pouvez ni arrêter le temps, ni modifier le système en place. Alors protégez-vous au mieux de ces nuisances et priez pour vos frères du futur. » – Babuji Whisper – du 29/12/2000 à 8h00
Le Royaume-Uni et le nucléaire sont au cœur des différentes prédictions des uns et des autres. Pauvre Angleterre !
L’apocalypse nucléaire est annoncée, mais il n’y a rien à faire, elle est inéluctable. A quoi bon l’annoncer alors ? Si ce n’est pour faire peur…
Alors rien n’a changé ? La médium réinterprète-t-elle la vision de Babuji en la réactualisant après que Chari s’en soit écarté ?
Pour conclure, quelques extraits d’un des tout derniers discours de Chari (Scatter the Seeds of Spirituality, le 9 Mars 2011) :
“(…) I believe we have more than 220 ashrams throughout the world today. But yet it is only a drop in the ocean of humanity. (…) If that seed is lost, humanity is lost. Humanity has no hope after that.
(…) So to prepare these human values, (…) each one of you is a torchbearer. If you don’t do that, if you don’t recognise that responsibility and carry it out, whatever you may become in yourself, you are a failure as far as Sahaj Marg is concerned. (…) today humanity’s task – every one of us must share in it. And we must not count; we want quality, not numbers. But we want increasing quality in increasing numbers. (…)
I pray that our great Masters will bless us all on this auspicious occasion and make the people aware of these possibilities, bring them in greater and greater numbers so that this spirituality becomes something not exclusive to the few but common to the many, which is what should be the meaning of democracy. Democracy is not a vote. Democracy is a state where every individual has the same right to progress, and that right is guaranteed only in the spiritual field because it cannot be guaranteed in any other field.
I am happy to see our jawans [soldiers] and their officers here; I welcome them. I am happy that our efforts have reached them too, and I hope I will see battalions of them in the future. May they progress well. May they all grow. God bless all of you.”
L’humanité n’a plus d’espoir, elle est perdue sans le Sahaj Marg. En dehors de la spiritualité, point de salut, pas de démocratie. Les soldats du Sahaj Marg doivent former des bataillons, accroître la qualité en augmentant la quantité !
Chari s’est bien rangé aux ordres de Whispers, il n’y a plus aucun doute…
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